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Showing posts from September, 2019

How to Get Your Life Back on Track

Introduction Life can often feel overwhelming, leaving us feeling stuck and unable to move forward. Whether you're grappling with personal challenges, career setbacks, or simply feeling lost, there are steps you can take to regain control and get your life back on track. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you break free from negative patterns and cultivate a more fulfilling life. How to Get Your Life Back on Track 1. Take Charge of Your Life The first step toward regaining control is to stop adopting a victim mentality. Life is filled with challenges, and it's easy to feel like circumstances are working against you. While it’s true that not everything that happens is within our control, how we respond to adversity is entirely our choice. Rather than fighting against the realities of life, accept and welcome them. Acknowledge disappointments, learn from your experiences, and focus on how you can shape a brighter future. Taking responsibility for your life empowers you to navig

Life of Sindhutai: Extreme Motivation

Have you heard of a person who ate chappatis made on burning bodies in a cemetery? Yes, there exists a woman who lived in that condition and yet helped 1200+ orphan children to achieve their dreams. Her name is Sindhutai Sapkal, and she faced challenges throughout her life, and she faced those challenges in a great way. She got married at the age of 9 and her husband was 20 years older than her. Her in-laws were not good and they used to beat her and one day her husband beat her so much that she became unconscious. Her husband dragged her to the cowshed when she was unconscious and untied all cows. At that time Sindhutai was pregnant and gave birth to a child in the cowshed. In one of Sindhutai's interviews, she explained how she had broken the umbilical cord by hitting a stone nine times. She left her home immediately and reached a railway station. Sindhutai started singing so that the passenger will give her some money. She faced so many challenges that one day she decided t

Major Dhyan Chand: Dedication at its best

Have you ever heard of a person whose name got changed because of his dedication? Dhyan Singh used to play hockey during the day, and even in the light of moon hence his in-charge named him Dhyan Chand. "Chand" signifies that he used to play hockey even during night (in the light of the moon). He scored 3 goals in his first match, 35+ goals in Olympics and 1000+ goals in his international career. He practiced so dedicatedly that when he played matches no one was able to take hockey ball from him. Holland officials even checked his hockey stick by breaking it into two parts if it had a magnet in it. Japanese thought he used special gum in his hockey stick but the real secret was in his practice and dedication. Opponents even abuse Dhyan Chand during matches but he always won matches due to his dedication. His popularity can be gauged by the fact that his 4 arm statue was placed in Vienna signifying his talent of hockey. His birthday is celebrated as a National Sports Da

Theory of broken windows

If you go to the area of great poverty then you will find roads in bad condition, walls with graffiti, economy is in gutter, broken windows and higher crime rates. The motivation of residents is also not too high because they think nothing good can happen to them. But if we set things in order and show a visual display of discipline then things start improving. This shows that there is an underpinning relationship between behavior and environmental conditions. The theory of broken windows was introduced by sociologists George Kelling and James Wilson in the 1980s. This theory explains that when low-level crimes like breaking windows of cars/buildings are ignored then more serious crimes start happening. There is also a case study regarding this theory. Phillip Zimbardo a psychologist from Stanford University had done a social experiment in 1969. He placed one car in a very poor area and another in a very posh area. The car which was placed in a poor area was placed without a lice

Failures of ISRO and Chandrayaan-2 mission

ISRO's plan to soft-land Chandrayaan's Vikram lander on the south pole of the moon failed at the terminal stage of the project. This is not the first failure of the organization and definitely not the last one also. There are several learnings from the failure of ISRO. We also used to face failure when success seems very near. We used to get disappointed due to those failures and just stop working towards success. There's also a great story " Three feet from Gold" and you can read it here . It very neatly explains how we stop trying after temporary failures and miss our goal just by three feet. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam explained how he faced failure in 1979 and how he learned to fight failures by that particular incident. He was a mission director of the Satellite Launch Vehicle project at ISRO. His mission was to put the vehicle into the orbit. Thousands of scientists worked for the project for more than 10 years. At the launch site in Sriharikota, the time was

Benefits of smoking (Power of Habits)

Let us first understand the meaning of Habit according to Oxford Dictionary: a) settled or regular tendency, b) Practice that is hard to give up, c) mental constitution or attitude. Its also said that first, we make habits and then habits make us. Habits are like soft and cozy beds- easy to get in but difficult to get out. Let us go through some of the shocking statistics: 1 Billion people used to smoke, Tobacco kills 10,000 people per day across the globe and every cigarette contains 401 poisons and 43 cancer-causing chemicals. But there are two benefits of smoking: 1) Thieves cannot enter into the house of a smoker because the whole night he used to cough and his "khi khi" will keep thieves away. 2) He will never grow old as he will lose 22 years of his life because of smoking. Let us understand the cycle of habit formation: first tempting objects and our association impact our thoughts and desires. Our thoughts and desires impact our action, our action leads to d