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Showing posts from June, 2021

How to Get Your Life Back on Track

Introduction Life can often feel overwhelming, leaving us feeling stuck and unable to move forward. Whether you're grappling with personal challenges, career setbacks, or simply feeling lost, there are steps you can take to regain control and get your life back on track. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you break free from negative patterns and cultivate a more fulfilling life. How to Get Your Life Back on Track 1. Take Charge of Your Life The first step toward regaining control is to stop adopting a victim mentality. Life is filled with challenges, and it's easy to feel like circumstances are working against you. While it’s true that not everything that happens is within our control, how we respond to adversity is entirely our choice. Rather than fighting against the realities of life, accept and welcome them. Acknowledge disappointments, learn from your experiences, and focus on how you can shape a brighter future. Taking responsibility for your life empowers you to navig

The Ant Philosophy By Jim Rohn

Introduction: Ants are popularly known to be the most laborious creatures known to human beings. We all have heard several hard work and commitment stories of Ants from our elders or have read them in comics or various storybooks. Jim Rohn has given ‘The Ant Philosophy’ wherein he talks about the Ant’s 4 step process to success. It’s a simple yet powerful philosophy and can be followed in our daily lives. 4 steps of Jim Rohn’s ‘The Ant Philosophy that lead to success: 1. Ants never quit. According to Jim Rohn, the first step of the process to achieve success given in ‘The Ant Philosophy’ is to Never Give Up. Ants do not quit. If they are heading in some direction towards something, they won’t stop and find another way if you try to stop them. They’ll try to move to the sides, climb over or go under, etc., to find a way. They never quit looking for a way to get to the place where they want to go. Even if you squish an anthill, they build it again, no matter how many times you do that. 2

The Law Of Compensation: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Introduction The law of compensation was discussed by Ralph Waldo Emerson in his book called ‘Essays’. This law implies that a person will always be compensated for all his efforts and contributions, no matter what kind of effort it is or how much or how little it is. In his opinion when someone makes efforts, his/her reward may not come back right away at that very moment, all at once or in the manner that he/she might have expected it, but it will come sooner or later in some of the other forms. Transform your life through these books  Million dollar Habits | Eat that Frog | Ikigai | Think and Grow Rich | Twelve Pillars It’s not necessarily just the money or financial gains. You can give love and get love or something other than love in return. By helping others, you may get back happiness, financial rewards, or fulfilling relationships as compensation. The world we live in works in mysterious ways. How to use The Law of compensation in our lives? What you have in your mind is th

12 Riches Of Life: Napoleon Hill Part 2

Introduction Napoleon Hill's 12 riches of life is one of the most important pieces of advice for all of us. If we learn to implement these tips in our life then we can also become good thought leaders. Everyone gauges riches with material possessions but a person can be called rich if s/he can inculcate the below-mentioned riches. In our last article, we explored the first six riches and now we will understand the rest of the riches. 12 Riches of Life by Napoleon Hill 7. Willingness to Share One’s Blessings: A true leader or a truly great person knows that it is very important to give back to society. It keeps a person grounded and there is a sense of deep self-satisfaction. The simple process of sharing multiplies all the other riches as well. This the seventh and a very important one of the 12 riches of life by Napoleon Hill. 8. Labour of Love: It is a well-known saying that when you love what you do, your vocation becomes a vacation. According to Napoleon Hill, the eighth one

12 Riches Of Life: Napoleon Hill Part 1

Introduction Napoleon Hill has given 12 riches of life which are long-lasting and adds long-term richness to your life. Amongst the various other Success pathways given by Napoleon Hill for people in general and specifically for leaders, 12 riches of life are the gems as well as these can help you become a great leader, and a rich person in life, in a true sense. 12 Riches of Life by Napoleon Hill 1.Positive Mental Attitude: The first one of the 12 riches of life given by Napoleon Hill is the Positive Mental Attitude. It is not just limited to thinking positive and good things all the time but is actually beyond that. The attitude of a person is a combination of his/her thoughts, feelings, and actions. 2.Sound Physical Health: It’s a well-known saying that ‘Health is Wealth’. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Thus, if you have an unfit body, it will lead to an unfit mind. According to Napoleon Hill, that’s why Sound Physical health holds second place among the 12 Riches of Li

Principle 11: Controlled Attention Part 2

Introduction The eleventh principle of Napoleon Hill's 17 principles of success is Controlled Attention. Controlled attention is just like harnessing the power of horses. You might have heard about the carriage pulled by multiple horses during ancient wars. Each horse was full of strength and if all horses move in a different direction then that can harm the carriage but those horses were trained to run in the same direction to pull the carriage in a faster manner. If we focus on our definite major purpose then our life will become more meaningful. In our last article, we understood how controlled attention complements the other 4 success principles. Let’s see how it complements other success principles. Controlled Attention and the Other Principles of Success Personal Initiative: Take personal initiative and carve out your plans on paper. Take the help of your mastermind allies and check the soundness of the plans. Here controlled attention and personal initiative will give you

12 Habits That Make One Unpopular: Napoleon Hill

Introduction: All of us want to be popular or at least liked by people around us and the people we meet. But there are certain habits that can make you unpopular. Napoleon Hill has mentioned such 12 habits that make one unpopular. One must think about oneself and measure oneself from the perspective of those 12 habits. On careful self-introspection, everyone can relate with some of those 12 habits that you may find in your own behaviour. It allows us to control our behaviour and be aware of the changes that we are supposed to make if we want to avoid being unpopular. Napoleon Hill’s 12 habits that make one unpopular: 1. Breaking a Conversation: According to Napoleon Hill, the first habit of the 12 habits is breaking a conversation. It is not at all appreciated if someone breaks in and run away with or interrupt the conversation while others are speaking. 2. Sarcasm: Napoleon Hill’s mentioned the second habit as sarcasm. If you practice sarcasm expressed by insinuations and laugh at ot

Jim Rohn's 7 Personality Traits of a Great Leader

Introduction: One who finds ways of improving things and motivates people to move towards a better vision is a leader. Leaders put people first and work toward making their vision a reality. Leaders are supposed to be empathetic and to be successful, must connect with people. To be a great leader, you must become a person of quality yourself. Only then you’ll be able to attract quality people. Refining your skills is the most important thing in leadership. One must keep on working on himself/herself until he/she becomes effective. Jim Rohn has given seven personality traits of a great leader. Seven personality traits of a great leader: 1. Learn to be strong but not impolite According to Jim Rohn, the first trait of a great leader is to be strong but not impolite. A very common mistake made by people repetitively is that they think that impolite behaviour/rude behaviour is a sign of strength. But it’s a wrong assumption. A person, with politeness and warmth in his/her nature and behavio

Principle 11: Controlled Attention

Introduction The eleventh principle of Napoleon Hill's 17 principles of success is Controlled Attention. When we chose our major purpose then we select an object of our controlled attention. People say that don’t put all of your eggs in one basket but we have to put all our eggs in one basket and concentrate our attention to protect that basket. Controlled attention is the process of directing our focus towards a desired end. It is an important aid for other success principles suggested by Napoleon Hill. Concentration on a single idea can give us massive success. Tesla Motors is a manufacturer of Electric vehicles. By concentrating its energy on electric vehicle manufacturing, in less than a decade it has made a great fortune for Elon Musk and other stakeholders. Intel built better chips and satisfied its customer needs. Intel focused on-chip manufacturing and created massive wealth for shareholders. Whatever is your enterprise, controlled attention to your major purpose is extrem