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SISU: The Finnish Concept of Resilience

Introduction In a world filled with challenges and setbacks, the quest for resilience has become paramount. Resilience is more than just overcoming hardship; it's about flourishing in the midst of it. And when it comes to resilience, few cultures embody it as profoundly as the Finns, who have a word for this indomitable spirit: Sisu. Sisu, pronounced "see-soo," is a unique Finnish concept that encapsulates grit, determination, and courage in the face of adversity. It's an intrinsic quality deeply embedded in the Finnish psyche, influencing how they approach life's challenges. But what exactly is Sisu, and how can we incorporate this powerful mindset into our own lives? At its core, Sisu is about perseverance in the face of extreme adversity. It's the ability to summon inner strength and tenacity when confronted with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. While resilience is a universal trait found in every culture, Sisu has distinct characteristics that set it ap

Principle 8: Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm Napoleon Hill


The eighth principle of Napoleon Hill's 17 principles of success is the Enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is a strong feeling of active interest in something that we like to enjoy or relish. It is just like a steam in engine as steam runs the engine to its optimum speed, our enthusiasm can become the reason of our grand success. Enthusiasm is a very contagious trait and can deeply influence our target audience. Sales executives harness the power of enthusiasm very appropriately, by talking with exuberance. They convince their customers with sheer enthusiasm. Andrew Carnegie used to promote his enthusiastic executives very often. People say that knowledge is power but in reality enthusiasm is real power of any individual. Many speakers leave their audience spellbound but if we ask the audience about the content of the speech then they might not remember the speech. But they remember the enthusiasm of the speaker.

How to influence others

We can use below mentioned methods to influence others:
1. Turn on your enthusiasm and communicate others that you are very happy by utilising proper voice modulation.
2. Give a gentle handshake accompanied by warm words but do not crush the hand of other person while doing so.
3. If you are leading the conversation then always remember to direct your talk towards the subject that other person cares.
4. Eagerly ask followup questions from the other person.

The Benefits of Controlled Enthusiasm

There are multiple benefits of controlled enthusiasm:
1. It strengthen the intensity of imagination and thinking.
2. Pleasing and convincing tone of voice.
3. Eliminate inefficiencies from your daily works.
4. Spread enthusiasm to others
5. Strengthening of the physical and mental muscles
6. Build your own personal initiative 
Enthusiasm Napoleon Hill

How to develop controlled enthusiasm

1. Search and find your definite major purpose.
2. Write your definite major purpose on paper. This will give you a clear vision.
3. Think why your definite major purpose must be accomplished. This "why" will give you a burning desire.
4. Immediately start working on your goals.
5. Our goal must be backed by clear cut plan of achievement.
6. Dedicatedly follow your plan with full persistence
7. Search your master alliance, as you can reach your goal faster in this way.
8. If you faced the defeat then do not change your target but modify your plan.
9. Keep some distance from naysayers and pessimists.
10. Keep working on your plans. Try to take baby steps and massive strides will come subsequently.


Enthusiasm is a vital force that builds your dynamic personality. It also recharges your body with more power and energy. Enthusiasm can be displayed by our style of speaking. Sincerity of purpose, honesty, and earnestness must also be inculcated in our character along with enthusiasm. So try this habit of being enthusiastic and see improvement in your daily life.


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