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SISU: The Finnish Concept of Resilience

Introduction In a world filled with challenges and setbacks, the quest for resilience has become paramount. Resilience is more than just overcoming hardship; it's about flourishing in the midst of it. And when it comes to resilience, few cultures embody it as profoundly as the Finns, who have a word for this indomitable spirit: Sisu. Sisu, pronounced "see-soo," is a unique Finnish concept that encapsulates grit, determination, and courage in the face of adversity. It's an intrinsic quality deeply embedded in the Finnish psyche, influencing how they approach life's challenges. But what exactly is Sisu, and how can we incorporate this powerful mindset into our own lives? At its core, Sisu is about perseverance in the face of extreme adversity. It's the ability to summon inner strength and tenacity when confronted with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. While resilience is a universal trait found in every culture, Sisu has distinct characteristics that set it ap

The Law Of Success in 16 Lessons: Napoleon Hill

The Law Of Success in 16 Lessons: Napoleon Hill


The Law of Success in 16 Lessons given by Napoleon Hill is the lesson that enables us to walk on our path to success and achieve it. People need to learn the ways to adjust themselves in the ever-changing environment of life with peace and harmony. These lessons act as a blueprint of the path and strategy to reach our goal.

The Law of Success in 16 Lessons by Napoleon Hill

1. Master Mind: 
According to Napoleon Hill, the first lesson of the laws of success in 16 lessons is becoming a mastermind. Intolerance, greed, suspicion, egotism, revenge, etc., are some of the weaknesses that keep you away from success. You must have the desire to gain knowledge and organize it well. You must also learn to be intelligent. Perfect harmony is very important to build a "Master Mind".
2. A Definite Chief Aim:
The second lesson of the Law of Success in 16 lessons is to determine a definite chief aim. Most successful people have a "definite chief aim" along with a definite plan to achieve it. It’s of utmost importance. You must write down your aim and affirm daily that you can achieve it.
3. Self Confidence:
According to Napoleon Hill, the third lesson of the Law of Success in 16 lessons is Self Confidence. A person can easily lose self-confidence if it’s not practiced every day. Confident people attract like-minded people. Keep challenging yourself. It’ll build up your confidence.
4. The Habit of Saving:
Habits of a person can be easily built if practiced in a row for more than 21 days. But if we don’t change our habits, they’ll build walls of limitation around us. We must save some portion of our earnings. But, instead of limiting expenses, to save more, we must increase our earnings.
5. Initiative and Leadership:
Leadership is an essential element for success. You must be willing to take the initiative and the risk involved in it. Make it a habit. You must practice initiative every day without any expectation. It requires the power of quick and firm decision-making. 
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6. Imagination:
Imagination is quite important for success as it can be used for rearranging old ideas into new combinations. You must use your imagination and convert your failures into priceless assets. It will be better if you form an alliance with someone who has a sufficiently developed imagination to supply your deficiency.
7. Enthusiasm:
Enthusiasm inspires a person to put action into a task. You must use such words, do such actions, and have such a state of mind that influences others. To develop enthusiasm you must adhere to other lessons learned above. Certain stimuli which produce enthusiasm includes doing the work that you love, surround yourself with enthusiastic/optimistic people, maintain good health, wear clothes that fit your occupation and make you self-confident.
8. Self Control:
Self-Control if applied for imagination, a definite plan, self-confidence, and taking action will lead to success. One who has well-developed self-control avoids indulging in hatred, envy, jealousy, fear, revenge, or any similar destructive emotions. All of us have the power to control our thoughts and make them do whatever we want. It’s just a matter of thought-control.
9. Habit of Doing more than paid for:
Napoleon Hill opines that, when a person is engaged in work that s/he loves or works on the behalf of his/ her loved ones, s/he is most efficient. You must make it a habit of doing at least an hour of additional work every day for which you aren’t paid.
10. Pleasing Personality:
When you meet someone, you should try to find common interests and neutralize the mind of the other person by smiling and giving an honest compliment. You should talk about the interests of other persons. Also, you must try to learn to express yourself with force and conviction but by using a pleasing voice.
11. Accurate Thought:
The eleventh lesson of the law of success in 16 lessons is to have Accurate thought. You must have the capability to separate facts from mere information and classify important and unimportant facts correctly. 
“Do not “tell” the world what you can do – “show” it!” – Napoleon Hill
12. Concentration:
Concentration refers to the act of focusing the mind upon a fixed desire. You must keep your mind on one subject until you have mastered it. There should desire has to be in reason to allow concentration to help you achieve it.
You must learn to fix attention on a particular subject for any length of time.
13. Co-operation:
Co-operation between conscious and unconscious mind is very important. An organized effort through co-operation is essential for achieving success. You should not procrastinate rather take action. Don’t tell people what you can do, instead, show them.
14. Failure:
The fourteenth lesson of the law of success in 16 lessons is a failure. The lessons taught to you by each failure are like a step forward towards your success. The richest experience in the life of a person in poverty.
15. Tolerance:
According to Napoleon Hill, the fifteenth lesson of the law of success in 16 lessons is Tolerance. Intolerance of a human being is a kind of ignorance. It is a force that splits up people into different groups.
16. The Golden Rule:
The Golden Rule refers to thinking of others just the way you want them to think of you. Power needs to be obtained step-by-step. This rule enforces honesty and asks you to avoid being selfish or greedy. Your reputation can be in control of others but your character is in your control only and can be controlled by your thoughts and deeds.


The Law of Success in 16 Lessons given by Napoleon Hill helps people to find out their weaknesses and helps them in creating a definite plan for tackling those weaknesses. Every successful person has certain weak points in their personalities including greed, intolerance, jealousy, revenge, etc., before they began to succeed. They just have to work on them to remove such weaknesses so as to be successful in life.


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