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Ziglar's Wheel of Life – Your First Step to Living Life on Purpose

Introduction In the journey of life, it's easy to lose track of our goals, dreams, and aspirations amidst the chaos of daily routines and responsibilities. Often, we find ourselves drifting aimlessly, lacking direction and purpose. However, Zig Ziglar, the renowned motivational speaker, offers a profound framework known as the Wheel of Life to help individuals regain focus and live intentionally. By understanding and implementing Ziglar's Wheel of Life and his seven types of goals, you can embark on a transformative journey towards a purposeful and fulfilling existence. Ziglar's Wheel of Life Ziglar's Wheel of Life is a visual representation of various aspects that constitute a well-rounded life. It consists of different categories, each representing a crucial aspect of human existence. These categories include but are not limited to: 1. Personal Growth and Development 2. Career and Professional Life 3. Health and Fitness 4. Finances 5. Family and Relationships 6. Spiri

Bill Marriott’s 12 Rules of Success

Bill Marriott’s 12 Rules of Success

Bill Marriott was the CEO of his family's Hotel Chain for more than 40 years. He practiced "Management By Walking Around" or MBWA in a very practical manner. In 2012, on his 80th birthday, he left the CEO position but decided to play an active role as a chairman of the Marriott Hotel Chain. Recently he published an article where he shared 12 rules of success. We always like the list and hence he summarised his success in the form of these 12 success principles. He often says that no one can become a good leader by accident and it takes discipline and dedication to become a great leader. Let's discuss these principles in more detail.

Bill Marriott’s 12 Rules of Success

Bill Marriott explained how the list of 12 rules of success served him well and he hopes that it will be useful to our career also.
1. Always challenge your team members to do give their best. He also stressed upon doing this very often. 
Let's watch a video on success formula of Kalpana Chawla
2. Take utmost care of your team members and they will definitely take good care of your customers and hence your customer will come again multiple times
3. Focus on celebrating the success of your people but not your own.
4. Identify your strength and what you are good at. After identifying your strength, you must keep improving those skills.
5. Develop an attitude of doing your work now and always be on the side of taking action. This is his favorite rule of success. There is also a very famous concept "analysis by paralysis" and hence don't delay your decisions. Go with your gut feeling.
6. Keep your ears toward the feedback of your associates, customers, and competitors. We cannot become a good leader accidentally but it takes continuous actions towards the feedbacks of your partner
7. Don't just sit in the office. Go out and meet with your team members and make yourself accessible and visible. This is the essence of the famous leadership style which is also called "Management By Walking Around" or MBWA.
The four most important words in the English language are, What do you think Bill Marriott
8. Always go into the detail of the plan as the success lies in the details.
9. Focus on hiring people with the right and required qualities than with specific experience.
10. Different customers may have different requirements but all of them want the best quality.
11. Hire people who are smarter than you.
12. Develop an attitude of visualizing problems as an opportunity to accelerate our growth


In his 50 years of corporate life, Bill Marriott played a major role in making Marriott "the world’s largest global hotel chain". He was the key driving force behind exponential growth of his hotel chain. These rules helped him throughout his life. As a result, his leadership and vision expanded his family-owned business to 7000+ properties across 127 countries around the world. Try to incorporate these success habits in your own life and desired results will automatically come into your life. Make a short note of these habits and post it near your mirror as this will help you to read these golden rules very often.
All the best.


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