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SISU: The Finnish Concept of Resilience

Introduction In a world filled with challenges and setbacks, the quest for resilience has become paramount. Resilience is more than just overcoming hardship; it's about flourishing in the midst of it. And when it comes to resilience, few cultures embody it as profoundly as the Finns, who have a word for this indomitable spirit: Sisu. Sisu, pronounced "see-soo," is a unique Finnish concept that encapsulates grit, determination, and courage in the face of adversity. It's an intrinsic quality deeply embedded in the Finnish psyche, influencing how they approach life's challenges. But what exactly is Sisu, and how can we incorporate this powerful mindset into our own lives? At its core, Sisu is about perseverance in the face of extreme adversity. It's the ability to summon inner strength and tenacity when confronted with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. While resilience is a universal trait found in every culture, Sisu has distinct characteristics that set it ap

The R2A2 Formula for Success: Napoleon Hill

The R2A2 formula for Success: Napoleon Hill

Have you ever thought, “If I could get some extra time from my job or some extra money to catch my goals, my life will be more comfortable”? Getting spare time or getting some extra money will not make your life comfortable as no single stroke of luck can change our mindset which is holding us back. Walt Disney never spent time imagining such breaks but he started his work in the Rat-infested backyard of a church and ultimately achieved success due to his cultivated habits. Those habits helped him to focus on what matters the most in his industry to set him apart.
The R2A2 principle was mentioned by Napoleon hill in his world-famous book “Think and Grow Rich”. The R2A2 principle was actually formulated by W. Clement Stone who was also a business partner of Napoleon Hill and a founder of Combined Insurance. This formula gives us the actionable points to implement the philosophy of “Think and Grow Rich” and become a true goal achiever. After learning this principle, we can approach our unique goals in a more effective manner.

R2A2 Principle

We are mentioning practical tips to implement the R2A2 principle so that you will not wait for the lucky breaks anymore and start taking action immediately: 
Watch this video to understand 12 Pillars of Success
1. Recognize: We must recognize the idea, principle, or technique that will have a long-lasting impact on us. The perfect example of this part of the principle is Elon Musk. He recognized the fact that private companies can also compete with Government bodies in the space industry. He founded SpaceX in 2002 and after multiple failures and setbacks, SpaceX became the first private company to send a spacecraft to International Space Station (ISS). It also made Falcon 9 which is a reusable, two-stage rocket designed and manufactured for the safe and reliable transport of payloads and people into Earth orbit.
2. Relate: We have to relate principles, techniques, ideas, or improvements that can benefit us immensely. Here we have to ask “What will the success idea or technique do for me?” N R Narayana Murthy is a perfect example of this part of the principle. He was earning well at Patni Computers when he and his friends observed that they can benefit from the IT boom which was coming to India. They all left the high-paying jobs at Patni Computers and started Infosys. That one idea changed the life of N R Narayana Murthy and his friends.
“Fear is a habit, so is self pity, defeat, anxiety, despair, hopelessness and resignation. You can eliminate all of these negative habits with two simple resolves/ I can and I will.”
3. Assimilate: We have to assimilate those improvements and habits in our daily routine. We have to ask ourselves “How can I absorb those principles in my daily life?” Here we can look after fitness coaches, no one will believe them until they themselves are fit.
4. Apply: This step motivates us to take action. We have to ask ourselves “What action will I have to take?” “When am I going to start?”


It is true that if you ever want to achieve success then you must be willing to stand apart from the crowd. Very few people achieve success in their lifetime and the majority of people just aspire to be successful without taking any action. You will also observe that many people will start to belittle your achievements as you climb the success ladder. This is just out of envy and jealousy but if you have the conviction to move forward then nothing can deter you from the success path. Use the R2A2 principle (Recognize and Relate, Assimilate and Apply) suggested by Napoleon Hill and direct your thoughts toward problem-solving and opportunity utilization.


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