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The Transformation of Abhishek: Finding Purpose in Sampati's Tale

Introduction    Amidst life's complexities, individuals often find themselves traversing through periods of ambiguity, seeking a guiding light to illuminate their journey. Such was the odyssey of Abhishek, a man ensnared in the monotony of everyday existence, until serendipity intertwined his fate with the legend of Sampati. Through the age-old chronicle of a bird bereft of its wings, Abhishek unearthed a profound allegory of fortitude, purpose, and the transformative potency of interpersonal bonds. Immersed in Sampati's narrative, Abhishek embarked on a voyage of self-exploration, unearthing enduring verities that would redefine the trajectory of his life indefinitely. History of Abhishek Abhishek was a man who seemed to be drifting through life without any clear direction. He had a decent job, a small circle of friends, and a comfortable routine, but something felt amiss. Despite his outward stability, he couldn't shake the feeling of discontentment that gnawed at him fro

The Hedgehog Concept

The Hedgehog Concept

The hedgehog concept is rooted in a Greek parable that says, “The fox knows many things but the hedgehog knows one BIG thing”. In the parable, the fox tries to catch a hedgehog by applying different strategies and techniques but somehow always fails in every attempt and the hedgehog escapes. Do you know why? Because the focus of the fox is distributed in different strategies and techniques but the focus of the hedgehog is on only one thing, to defend himself.
Inspired by this concept, business researcher and consultant “Jim Collins” wrote a book called “Good to Great” in which he shares how individuals and businesses can use the hedgehog concept and achieve whatever they want in life. Every business or even individual needs to have one goal and put all their attention, resources, and attention towards that one goal. Through this, it’s definite that you will grow and will be able to achieve the things you want.

How To Apply The Hedgehog Concept?

As we have a better understanding of the concept now, let us understand how you can apply this concept and succeed in life.
Here’s how you should proceed with the hedgehog concept:
Step 1: The first and foremost thing that you need to know is what you are truly passionate about.
Step 2: Then go on to identify what you are best at. Something that no one else can do better than you.
Step 3: Further, you will determine if you could generate good revenue from it.
After analysing all three you will have to come up with an answer that is common for all. Take reference from the image below for a better interpretation
Still, confused about how it works? No worries, we'll elaborate on each step in detail for your ease.

Find Your Passion

It might be a difficult start for you when you go on and find the passion of your business. So, take your time and find out what is it that your organization is passionate about. What motivates your employees to become a better version of themselves for your growth? What factors do you consider while hiring a person?
These are the things that will help you in understanding your passion and mission for your organisation.

Understand What You Do Best

The goal is to figure out something that no one else can beat you at. It’s something you are “THE BEST” at. It could be anything: a product, a specific service, or a unique concept or trend in your organisation.
“The fox knows many things but the hedgehog knows one BIG thing”
After you are clear about what you do best WOOHOO you’re halfway there. But keep in mind it is also important that you know what your organization can never be best at. Make sure you stay away from it and that your focus is not divided.

What Drives Your Economic Passion?

So now after creating the list of passions and the things you are best at, kick out the things that cannot be monetized. Not just from the list but from your real-life activities as well. This will eventually leave you with one or a maximum of two options that fit under all three categories. That’s where you’ll be applying the hedgehog concept to. Just keep in mind your focus should be only and only on one thing, divided focus will again land you into being a fox and not a hedgehog.


Most people are really fascinated with the personality of a fox. Yes, they are beautiful, smart, and cunning creatures. But still are unable to win in front of the hedgehog. It is important that we know whatever we are willing to achieve can be done. All we need is “undivided focus”. This concept is something that not only organizations or adults can use, it could be taught to kids and teenagers as well.


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