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Ziglar's Wheel of Life – Your First Step to Living Life on Purpose

Introduction In the journey of life, it's easy to lose track of our goals, dreams, and aspirations amidst the chaos of daily routines and responsibilities. Often, we find ourselves drifting aimlessly, lacking direction and purpose. However, Zig Ziglar, the renowned motivational speaker, offers a profound framework known as the Wheel of Life to help individuals regain focus and live intentionally. By understanding and implementing Ziglar's Wheel of Life and his seven types of goals, you can embark on a transformative journey towards a purposeful and fulfilling existence. Ziglar's Wheel of Life Ziglar's Wheel of Life is a visual representation of various aspects that constitute a well-rounded life. It consists of different categories, each representing a crucial aspect of human existence. These categories include but are not limited to: 1. Personal Growth and Development 2. Career and Professional Life 3. Health and Fitness 4. Finances 5. Family and Relationships 6. Spiri

The 21 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Money

The 21 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Money


Almost everyone has the desire for Financial Independence and for this reason, it should be one of the major goals of our lives. Your target should be to reach a point in your life where you have a sufficient amount of money to meet all your needs and rational desires. On gaining this financial freedom, you won’t have to worry about money again. Brian Tracy has given the 21 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Money for achieving Financial Freedom in your life.

Following are The 21 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Money

1. The Law of Cause and Effect: This is the first law of the 21 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Money. It says that everything that happens in our life, happens for a reason. There is always a cause for every effect such as success or failure, wealth or poverty. You just need to be very honest with yourself.
2. The Law of Belief: It is the second law. It says that whatever a person truly believes with feelings corresponding to that belief becomes his/her reality. You most of the time act in a manner that is consistent with your beliefs, especially your beliefs about your own self.
3. The Law of Expectations: This is the third law of the 21 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Money. It says that your expectation accompanied by confidence becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy for your own self. You are the fortune-teller of your life dictating everything by the way you think and talk about things.
4. The Law of Attraction: According to Brian Tracy, you are a living magnet. You invariably attract people, situations, and circumstances into your life that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts. So, you always can change your life at any point in time by changing the way you think.
5. The Law of Correspondence: It’s the fifth law of the 21 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Money. It says that the outer world of a person is a reflection of the inner world of that person. In the long term, nothing can happen to you or for you, unless it corresponds to something that is inside of you.
6. The Law of Abundance: In the opinion of Brian Tracy, the universe in which we live is abundant and generous in which there is sufficient money for all those people who really want it and are willing to obey the laws that govern its acquisition. The attitude of a person towards money; either of abundance or scarcity, will decide whether you become rich or not.
7. The Law of Exchange: According to Brian Tracy, Money is the medium of exchange. To earn more money, you must add more value by increasing your knowledge, your skills, improving your work habits, creativity, etc. 
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8. The Law of Capital: The eighth law of the 21 Absolutely Unbreakable laws is the law of capital which says that the most valuable asset of a person is his/her physical and mental capital, in terms of cash flow.
9. The Law of Time Perspective: In the opinion of Brian Tracy, the people who take a long time to consider things while making day-to-day decisions and think with a long-term perspective are the most successful people in any society.
10. The Law of Saving: The tenth law of the 21 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Money is the Law of Saving. People who save around 10% or more of their income all their lives are the ones who have Financial Freedom.
11. The Law of Conservation: Brian Tracy mentions that your financial future is determined by the amount of money you can keep with yourself out of the money that you make and not just by how much you make.
12. Parkinson’s Law: The twelfth law of the 21 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Money says that no matter how much money you make, your expenses rise with your income. No matter how much money you make, it never seems to be enough.
13. The Law of Three: The thirteenth law given by Brian Tracy says that there are mainly three legs to the stool of financial freedom that includes savings, insurance, and investment.
14. The Law of Investing: The fourteenth law of the 21 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Money refers to the law of investing. It says that you should first investigate before you start investing. A person should spend time studying a particular investment that is at least equivalent to the time spent in earning the money to be invested.
15. The Law of Compound Interest: Brian Tracy mentions that if you invest your money very carefully and allow it to grow at compound interest, it will eventually make you rich. He says that the key to compound interest is putting the money away and never touching it.
16. The Law of Accumulation: The sixteenth law of the 21 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Money is the law of Accumulation. It says that each and every great financial achievement is an accumulation of hundreds of small efforts and sacrifices that are not seen and appreciated by anyone.
Make your life a masterpiece, imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do - Brian Tracy
17. The Law of Magnetism: Brian Tracy mentioned that the more amount of money you save and accumulate, the more amount of money you attract into your life. Money always goes to a place where it is loved and respected. If you associate more positive emotions with your money, you will attract more opportunities to acquire even more money.
18. The Law of Accelerating Acceleration: The eighteenth law of the 21 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Money says that the faster you move toward your financial freedom, the faster it moves toward you. It also says that 80 percent of your success comes from the last 20 percent of the time you invest.
19. The Law of the Stock Market: Brian Tracy opines that the total anticipated cash flow from a stock discounted to the present day is the actual value of that stock.
20. The Law of Real Estate: It is the twentieth law of the 21 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Money. It says that the future earning power of a particular piece of property, when it is developed to its highest and best use, is the real value of that piece of Real Estate.
21. The Law of the Internet: Brian Tracy mentions that the Internet is an extremely useful tool for rapid communication of all kinds of information. There are three keys to Internet success, which include Faster, Cheaper, and Easier.


Money has its own energy and it is mainly gets attracted to people who treat it well. It tends to flow towards the ones who can make use of it in highly productive ways. At the same time, money moves away from the ones who make poor use of it, or who waste it in non-productive ways. By following the above-mentioned laws given by Brian Tracy, you can achieve great success and financial freedom in your life.


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