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SISU: The Finnish Concept of Resilience

Introduction In a world filled with challenges and setbacks, the quest for resilience has become paramount. Resilience is more than just overcoming hardship; it's about flourishing in the midst of it. And when it comes to resilience, few cultures embody it as profoundly as the Finns, who have a word for this indomitable spirit: Sisu. Sisu, pronounced "see-soo," is a unique Finnish concept that encapsulates grit, determination, and courage in the face of adversity. It's an intrinsic quality deeply embedded in the Finnish psyche, influencing how they approach life's challenges. But what exactly is Sisu, and how can we incorporate this powerful mindset into our own lives? At its core, Sisu is about perseverance in the face of extreme adversity. It's the ability to summon inner strength and tenacity when confronted with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. While resilience is a universal trait found in every culture, Sisu has distinct characteristics that set it ap

12 Steps Method of Setting Goals

12 steps method of setting goals: Brian Tracy


Human beings are intellectual and are driven by goals. They feel happy and satisfied with the achievement of their goals. But even after the achievement of one goal, they want more. Brian Tracy has given 12 steps method of setting goals that enable us to set our goals and achieve them. People who use these principles all the time, whether they’re aware or not, become very successful and happy in life as this 12 step goal-setting methodology given by Brian Tracy has a very powerful impact on their lives. So, if you find an underachieving person, that is, achieving less than what they can achieve, one of the steps is either missing or is not fully applied.

12 Steps Method Of Setting Goals By Brian Tracy

1. Have a desire: What do you really want?
The first step of the 12 steps method of setting goals given by Brian Tracy is to have a desire. You must be clear about whatever you want in every area of your life, be it personal, professional, or anything else. There should be an intense, burning desire in you for your goal. The reason behind your goal must be you and not because someone said it. You can never get excited about any goal that someone else wants for you or imposes on you.
2. Believe that your goal is achievable
Faith is not a small thing. Half of the battle is won when you have faith in yourself. You must believe that you deserve the goal you want to achieve and you can definitely achieve it. This belief must be absolute. Belief is a kind of catalyst that activates all the mental and physical powers of a human being.
3. Write your goal down
The third step of the 12 steps method of setting goals given by Brian Tracy is to write your goal down. Whatever you write, it involves more number of senses thus creating a bigger impact. Therefore, you are first required to write your goals. 
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4. Determine your starting point
You need to determine where you are now, in the present moment. For that, you must analyze your current situation, your starting point. But you must understand that it’s very important to be true to yourself. It enables you to set believable and achievable goals rather than setting unattainable and self-defeating goals.
5. Determine why you want it
When you have many reasons for wanting to achieve your goal, your desire to achieve it becomes more intense. Therefore, you must make a list of the reasons behind your goal and the benefits that you will get by achieving that goal. These reasons will act as the fuel for the fire that’ll burn within you for achieving your goal.
6. Set a deadline
Setting a clear deadline is the setting of the most probable time and date of when you will attain the goal. To achieve your goals before the deadline becomes your target. You’ll find that at least half of the goals that you set for yourself will be fully achieved before your deadline, and you will most probably achieve the other half of your goals soon after the deadline.
7. Identify the obstacles in your way
In the opinion of Brian Tracy, the seventh step of 12 steps method of setting goals is to identify the obstacles in your way. You are always going to face obstacles. These obstacles can be both internal and external. So, find out what’s blocking you. What is it that holds you back? Identify your single biggest obstacle. You need to determine all those obstacles that are standing between you and your goal.
8. Determine the additional knowledge and skills you need
The raw material for success is the knowledge and skills that you have acquired or you will acquire. You need to bring change in your approach towards your goals for different results. You need to make yourself a better person with better skills and better knowledge. For that, determine the additional knowledge, latest information, and skills that you need to acquire to achieve your goal.
If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals. Brian Tracy
9. Determine the people whose help you will need
On your journey to success, you’ll require guidance and help from few people. Therefore you need to determine the people who can give you the cooperation and assistance that you’ll need to achieve your goal. You can start with people around you including your family, your boss, and your co-workers.
10. Make a plan: put it all together
To reach your goal from where you are right now, you need to make a plan. A plan refers to the making of a list of tasks that you need to complete to achieve your goal. It includes the activities organized in accordance with the time, sequence, and importance. You need to put things that are of prime importance at the top of the list.
11. Visualize your goal continually
Visualization leads to your dreams coming true. You need to visualize your goal each day as if it was already achieved. Imagine what it would be like including the scene, the feelings, and emotions if you had already accomplished it. Imagine the satisfaction, pride, and happiness that you will experience if you are the person you want to be already.
12. Never give up
The last step of the 12 steps method of setting goals is to never give up. You need to be determined in everything you do and back it with persistence. Make it very clear in your mind and make a resolution in the very beginning only that you will never give up.


The 12 steps method of setting goals given by Brian Tracy has been taught to more than a million people. If you follow this approach, you’ll be amazed to see the results. With the help of his goal-setting methodology, people have transformed their lives. They become a much better version of themselves with more power, positivity, and effectiveness. They develop a tremendous sense of personal control and direction and live like a winner every hour of the day.


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