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Ziglar's Wheel of Life – Your First Step to Living Life on Purpose

Introduction In the journey of life, it's easy to lose track of our goals, dreams, and aspirations amidst the chaos of daily routines and responsibilities. Often, we find ourselves drifting aimlessly, lacking direction and purpose. However, Zig Ziglar, the renowned motivational speaker, offers a profound framework known as the Wheel of Life to help individuals regain focus and live intentionally. By understanding and implementing Ziglar's Wheel of Life and his seven types of goals, you can embark on a transformative journey towards a purposeful and fulfilling existence. Ziglar's Wheel of Life Ziglar's Wheel of Life is a visual representation of various aspects that constitute a well-rounded life. It consists of different categories, each representing a crucial aspect of human existence. These categories include but are not limited to: 1. Personal Growth and Development 2. Career and Professional Life 3. Health and Fitness 4. Finances 5. Family and Relationships 6. Spiri

Seven Key Habits for Long Life

Seven Key Habits for Long Life

Longevity with a healthy body is a blessing. Almost every one of us desires to have a long life. A few decades back, there were fewer medical facilities but the lifestyle of people helped them live a long and healthy life. Our habits design our destiny. It’s not only true in the case of professional success but also true for other areas of our life as well. Simple changes in the diet and lifestyle can bring huge big changes in your health, your appearance, and extend your life. The longest-living people on earth have few things in common which enhances the quality of their life. They make such choices every day in their lives that help them enjoy long lives.

Seven Key Habits for Long Life

1. Healthy Dietary Habits:
The first habit of the seven key habits for long life is eating a healthy diet. Our body is a machine and the food that we eat is the fuel for our body. Our body can function in the best possible way if we take in the food (fuel) that is appropriate for this body (machine). The food in its most natural form without much oil and spices is healthy for us. People who live the longest lives on this planet eat a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables included in it. These days packed food is heavily circulated in the market and people eat this junk and packed food almost every day which in turn harms their bodies. It becomes fat and dull over time. We must avoid such food and eat a healthy diet with a proper balance of carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, and Minerals.
2. Be Active apart from Your Daily Exercise Routine:
The second habit of the seven key habits for long life is being active. Regular physical activity is the key to excellent health. People exercise for few minutes a day or do not exercise at all and stay lazy during the whole day. People in corporate jobs sit for hours together at a stretch that leads to a very slow metabolism. Our metabolism falls drastically if we do not move our bodies for 30 minutes. Therefore, in order to keep our metabolism high and our body healthy, we need to stay active all through the day. Even a short walk in every half-hour can help maintain the metabolism of our body. Exercising 1 hour every day, be it cardio, strength training, Yoga, Kick-Boxing, or any other sport, and staying active for the whole day is the key to a fit body.
3. Keep Working Even in Old Age:
The third habit of the seven key habits for long life is to keep working even in old age. When we work especially if we love the work that we do, it adds on many more years to our lives. It has been found in several types of research that we remain active and cheerful when we work. People start planning for their retirement at a very young age but we shouldn’t retire. Even if full-time work becomes difficult due to old age, we can try doing a part-time job, some online work, or try doing work from home. It makes us feel useful, active, worth and independent. Even giving back to society in some form makes you feel the same. Hence, if your work brings joy to your life, then, working longer even during old age may contribute to longevity. Therefore you must stick with it.
4. Kitchen Garden’s Magic:
The fourth habit of the seven key habits for long life is to grow the fruits and vegetables that you eat yourself. These days the fruits and vegetables that we buy from the market are filled with pesticides, insecticides, and other chemicals. They are more often processed and injected with different chemicals for ripening faster or getting sweeter. Such fruits and vegetables cause more harm than good and can even lead to dangerous diseases like cancer etc. Therefore, you must grow the fruits and vegetables yourself in your kitchen garden. They improve your health and help you live longer.
5. Begin Doing Your Spiritual Practices Daily:
The fifth habit of the seven key habits for long life is to do your spiritual practices daily. Doing meditation daily makes you calm and composed. It brings clarity to your life. It not only has a positive impact on your mind but also on your body. You feel energetic and you experience an unusual strength within. Statistics show that most of the people who live beyond 100 years of age have a strong faith. Along with that they participate in religious ceremonies and enjoy prayers. Reading spiritual books, doing spiritual practices increases the chances that you’ll live longer.
To sustain longevity, you have to evolve. Aries Spears
6. Spending time with Family and Friends:
The sixth habit of the seven key habits for long life is to spend time with family and friends. Our happiness is deeply connected to our personal life, that is, to our family and friends. The stronger the ties with our family, the stronger we become emotionally and mentally. This personal stability and happiness make our life stress-free. These feelings and stress-free life enhance our longevity. Healthy and loving relationships along with a strong social network are key to a long and healthy life. Spend time and Stay connected with your friends and family members. Maintaining your relationships is a form of Self-Care that adds years to your life.
7. Develop a good sleeping pattern:
The seventh and the last habit of the seven key habits for long life is to develop a good sleeping pattern. No matter how tired or unwell we are, a good and peaceful sleep regulates our cell function and heals our body quickly. Longevity is directly linked to our regular sleeping patterns. If someone sleeps for more than 8-9 hours each night, then it can decrease your life span up to around 38%. If you take less sleep, then, it may promote inflammation and increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. But if you take excessive sleep, it may lead to depression, a decrease in physical activity, and certain health conditions, which may negatively affect your lifespan.


A healthy body and mind are not something that comes overnight. It’s not even destiny. It’s a journey where you have to maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep practicing healthy habits every day. The seven key habits for long life enhances the longevity of a person and help them live a long, happy and healthy life. Therefore, we must make these habits part of our lives and follow them religiously.


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