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Are you a time billionaire?

Introduction In the race of life, where success is often measured in achievements, wealth, and possessions, it's easy to overlook our most valuable asset: time. Graham Duncan's concept of the "Time Billionaire" challenges us to reconsider our perspective on life. While we idolize financial billionaires, few of us truly appreciate the wealth of time we possess, especially in our youth. Are you a time billionaire? Consider this: at the age of 20, you have approximately two billion seconds left, assuming an average lifespan of 80 years. This vast reservoir of time is a remarkable endowment, yet it's often squandered or taken for granted. We live in a world where the pursuit of money and material possessions overshadows the significance of time—an asset far more limited and irreplaceable than any other. The Stoic philosopher Seneca, in his treatise "On the Shortness of Life," aptly points out that our lives are not inherently short; it is our misuse and squa

Summary of "Who Will Cry When You Die ?"

Who will cry when you die?


‘Who Will Cry When You Die?’ is a best-selling book written by Robin Sharma who is one of the finest authors of the world and has also written one of the bestselling books ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’. The life lessons from this book are very important and have touched many lives. These life lessons from ‘Who will cry when you die?’ will help you to stay inspired and motivated in all the ups and downs of life by countering mental stress, anxiety, and fear. 

10 Lessons From "Who Will Cry When You Die?"

1. Find out what can help you lead a happy and successful life
The first lesson from the book ‘who will cry when you die?’ by Robin Sharma is to ‘Discover Your Calling’. Here the author believes that there is a special talent that is hidden in all of us. Therefore, we should focus on things that we can do the best. We need to live every single day with all the optimism and goodwill towards others.
2. Deal with failure positively and develop honesty
In the second lesson, Robin Sharma suggests that we need to learn to cope with failures. Also, we must be true to our words, be it with ourselves or with others. We need to learn to stick to our commitments. If we don’t do that, we will lose our credibility which will automatically break the bonds of trust that we form with people. 
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3. Talk To Yourself
The third lesson suggested by Robin Sharma in his book ‘Who will cry when you die?’ is to talk to ourselves sometimes. When we talk to ourselves, we can’t lie which eventually helps us stay true to ourselves. It also helps us discover our strengths and weakness. Our experiences in life teach us to overcome any obstacle and keep moving on.
4. Learn To Be Silent
The fourth lesson that we can learn from the book is to learn to be silent. It suggests that by being silent, we reconnect with ourselves. We need to take out time for ourselves from our busy schedules to keep calm and enjoy solitude. It helps us to revitalize our mind, body, and soul. Thus, we can refocus on our goals and have clarity in life.
5. See Your Troubles As Blessings
The fifth lesson suggested by Robin Sharma is to see your pain as a blessing. He says that we go through pain many times in our lives. We need to learn from our experiences and keep reminding ourselves about the things that help us shape our character. He gave a simple exercise to solve the clutter of problems by writing down all your troubles on a piece of paper and then prioritizing and planning to solve them.
6. Enjoy your Life’s Journey, Not only the Rewards
The sixth lesson that we can learn from ‘Who will cry when you die?’ is to take delight in our life. The author opines that the real value of being happy and achieving the goals of life lies in not just the rewards but also in experiencing the moments. This helps us to enjoy the journey of life and stay focused on our true identity and our dreams.
7. Practice Forgiveness
The seventh lesson that we can learn from the book ‘Who will cry when you die?’ is to practice forgiveness. In the opinion of the author, it is more of a selfish act than a selfless act as it’s for our mental peace. When we hold on to rage against people, we carry that person everywhere which lowers our energy and enthusiasm. 
Lessons from 'Who will cry when you die?'
8. Make Each Day Count
The eighth lesson that we can learn from the book ‘Who will cry when we die?’ is to make each day count. It doesn’t take months and years to set a meaningful or successful life rather we can decide to live each day to the fullest. We need to add commitments to our daily lives as it will increase the passion within us.
9. Be Humble
The ninth lesson that we can learn from the book “Who will cry when I die?” is to be humble. The humility of a person shows his respect towards others. We talk more than what is necessary but we should think twice before saying anything. By doing this we become stronger, disciplined, and open up more opportunities for ourselves to learn from.
10. Love what you do
Doing what you love is the secret of being happy in life. When we do the work that we love to do, we discover ourselves and grow both internally and externally in life. Our work becomes a playtime for us and we start enjoying life without any stress and anxiety. Everyone wants to be happy in life as it helps us stay focused on our real aim in life.


The above-mentioned lessons that we learned from the book ‘Who will cry when I die?’ written by author Robin Sharma are very important for a person who wants to live a meaningful life with joy and happiness. They not only teach us to remove past baggage but also helps us grow in different areas of life. This book will help you enjoy the journey of your life.


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