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The Rule of 5 by Jack Canfield : How to Turn Your Dreams into Reality

Introduction The Rule of 5 is a simple yet powerful concept popularized by Jack Canfield, the celebrated author of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series and a renowned motivational speaker. This concept revolves around the idea that you can turn your dreams into reality by taking five small, consistent actions each day toward your goals. This approach helps to break down your ambitions into manageable steps, making the journey more achievable and sustainable. In this blog, we'll explore the Rule of 5, how it works, and how you can implement it in your life to achieve your goals and dreams. Understanding the Rule of 5 The Rule of 5 is based on the principle of consistent effort. The idea is to choose five specific actions every day that will move you closer to your goal, and then execute them without fail. The actions you choose can be simple and small, but they should be directly related to your ultimate objective. By doing these five actions consistently, you will see g

Warren Buffett's Top 10 Rules For Success: Part 1

Warren Buffett speaking
Warren Buffet, you might have heard this name. He is one of the richest people in the world. He is also known for his philanthropic works. Currently, he is the fourth richest person on this earth. Due to his sound business principles and profitable investments, he is also known as Oracle of Omaha (Omaha is his birthplace). At a very young age when other boys and girls were busy playing with their friends, he started earning money by placing pinball machines at barbershops. He worked for several companies but then he decided to start his own venture. He became chairman and largest stakeholder of Berkshire Hathway Inc at the age of 40. He was ranked by Forbes as the #3 in the 400 wealthiest persons, #15 Most Powerful Person in the World in 2016 and the 2nd Richest Person in the US and the World. 
Many people see wealthy persons as an opportunist bunch of people but they never understand that there are certain reasons why rich people are more rich and poor people are unable to amass a good amount of wealth. We can understand this by understanding the story of two fishermen. There were two fishermen in town but one fisherman was very rich and the other one was very poor. A poor fisherman always used to think about why the other fisherman was very rich and have multiple bungalows. He used to tell his friends that if he had given the same chance then he will also become rich. 
Fisherman on boat
Then one-day rich fisherman lost all his wealth due to the failure of his business. Now both fishermen came at the same level. Both fishermen used to catch 12 fishes every day. Poor fisherman used to sell 5 fishes, consume 4 fishes by partying with his friends and give 3 to his family. On the other hand, the second fisherman started selling 9 fishes every day and he used to give 3 fishes to his family. By selling extra fishes the second fisherman shortly purchased another fishnet and doubled his output. After some time he appointed one person with him to quadruple his output. Subsequently, he appointed more fishermen to work for him and separated himself from day to day works. In this way, second fishermen became rich again and the first fishermen remained at his earlier place. Hence there is a reason why rich people are rich. Similarly, there are reasons why Warren Buffett became so much successful. He had explained his 10 rules of success at several forums. Let us read those rules and try to imbibe those principles in our lives as well:
1. Find Your Passion: We must find our passion in life first and then give our best shot to become successful in that field. Amazing things happen when we find our passion.
2. Hire Well: We all know that we cannot do so many things alone but we need a good team to execute our plans. We must also choose our business partners very intelligently.
3. Don’t Care What Others Think: Here Buffett is teaching us one of the most important things. Many times we do not take action just because other people are against us. We must remember here that if we do whatever our peers expect from us then we will only get what others have achieved yet. To achieve exceptional things in life, we must take exceptional steps.
Care too much about what others think and you will never be free
We will discuss the rest of the 7 rules in our next article. Also, don't forget to read 7 success tips of Larry Ellison.
Read Part 2 of this article here.
These life-changing rules will definitely help you to achieve more.
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  1. Wow just amazing
    Thanks for motivating always
    Your writings are too amazing 👍


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