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SISU: The Finnish Concept of Resilience

Introduction In a world filled with challenges and setbacks, the quest for resilience has become paramount. Resilience is more than just overcoming hardship; it's about flourishing in the midst of it. And when it comes to resilience, few cultures embody it as profoundly as the Finns, who have a word for this indomitable spirit: Sisu. Sisu, pronounced "see-soo," is a unique Finnish concept that encapsulates grit, determination, and courage in the face of adversity. It's an intrinsic quality deeply embedded in the Finnish psyche, influencing how they approach life's challenges. But what exactly is Sisu, and how can we incorporate this powerful mindset into our own lives? At its core, Sisu is about perseverance in the face of extreme adversity. It's the ability to summon inner strength and tenacity when confronted with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. While resilience is a universal trait found in every culture, Sisu has distinct characteristics that set it ap

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Hiro Onoda was a Japanese intelligence officer who fought in World War II and refused to surrender until decades after WW II. In 1944, Onoda was sent to the Philippines to fight against the American army. His immediate senior ordered him to never surrender and war may take several years to end. He also assured him that they will come for him and he has to just stay back and fight. In Feb 1945 when the American army attacked the Philippines with full force then Japanese army personnel split up in a group of 2-3 officers. 
Virus form
The rest of the Japanese personnel were either died or surrendered but Onoda's group consisting of 3 other personnel survived in Jungle. His group set up a base in mountains and started attacking local civilians thinking that civilians are agents of the American army. In late 1945, his group got a number of leaflets dropped by airplanes reading "The war ended on August 15, Come down from the mountain." In 1949, one of the members of the group surrendered the Phillipino army but the rest of the members continued to kill civilians. In 1954, one of the other members died in return fire when their rescuers tried to reach them. After this incident, only two, Onoda and Kozuka were left in their group and they continued to fight against Americans. In 1972, Kozuka died in a skirmish against Filipino police. 
Hiroo Onoda
Now Onoda was alone and one day a courageous Japanese explorer Norio Suzuki found Onoda. Suzuki became a good friend of Onoda but he still refused to surrender. Then Suzuki located the original commander of Onoda and then in 1974, his commander traveled from Japan to the Philippines. When Onoda's commander confirmed that WW II was over then he surrendered his Samurai sword, Gun and several other ammunition to the local administration. Philippines Government decided to pardon the war crimes done by Onoda as he didn't know that war was already over. Later he explained that each and every Japanese was ready to give his life during WW II for the country but he decided to wage a guerrilla war as he was an Intelligence officer.
We can learn below-mentioned lessons from this extraordinary story:
a) Always try to gather the latest skills and knowledge: Onoda and his team members never tried to understand if the WW ll ended or not even after receiving so many indications. On similar patterns many times we used to deny the Change. We must understand that Change is the only constant thing in this world. Abraham Lincoln once said, “ Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.” So we must always upgrade our skills by regular training. We can also invest in developing new skills like a musical instrument, blog writing, etc. These new skills may not be beneficial momentarily but we never know when these skills become useful in the future.
Read here the importance of connecting the dots from the story of Steve Jobs.
Abraham Lincoln sitting
b) You must have dedication towards your duty: Another point of view is that Onoda had given his best and just because of his dedication towards his duty Philippines government pardoned his offenses. Similarly when we give our best then our seniors also observe our efforts and help whenever we commit mistakes.
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